What labour did  

Posted by Lamont

Graham Taylor had spotted a police officer sitting in a patrol car and immediately sought his assistance. But he was left bemused when the officer told him he couldn't help

Among the terms some workers from countries such as Burma, the Philippines and Poland can't follow are 'nil by mouth', 'doing the rounds' and 'bleeping a doctor'.


Gordon Brown  

Posted by Lamont

well, brown has finally after too long decided to call for an election.  Brown is an idiot. and a liar,  i want him gone, i want labour gone, they have only ever fucked up this country,  tories well they cant be worse than brown.
i detest brown with a passion, i hated blair, harman she whohates men, 
i will vote for anyone BUT labour.  i dont care who or what, JUST NEVER brown, i wouldnt even piss on brown if he was on fire, i wouldpour more petrol on him