Full Body Scanning  

Posted by Lamont in

Well yet another step upon the loss of human rights. The body scanner devices have been made compulsory, first it makes me think about airplane 2, and the scanners there.

Second this is a  step along a short road of loss of human rights.  I am tempted to if i was going to fly, to if they want me to go to the scanner i will say  ok just one moment and strip off naked, whats the difference.

I feel like a stranger in my own homeland. Theres the control of us, by the state, the stop drinking, stop smoking, stop eating so much, eat less salt,  and so on.. we are in a police state, we are worse than china, we have more surveillance than china, we cant even take pictures of our own landmarks, under section 44 of the terrorism act.

These laws will NOT stop terrorism, i can see just off the top of my head, ways around it. and i am not the cleverest.

These new body scanners, there were problems with human rights and possible pedophilia, and the government said we wont do it. Isnt it a massive coincidence that there was an attack and it would have been "stopped"  if these scanners were on, and they are now in.. what an amazing coincidence.

This entry was posted on Monday 1 February 2010 at 13:15 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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