Lets put everyone on a ration  

Posted by Lamont

Children shunning veg in school canteens

Almost half of vegetables served to primary school children are going to waste, despite a Government drive on healthy meals, according to research.


The Government's School Food Trust, which carried out the research, admitted that "more needs to be done" to encourage pupils to finish eating healthy food served in canteens.

Researchers also found that starchy food cooked in fat was served more than three times a week on average – above strict guidelines.

But the trust, which was set up to drive Labour's healthy-eating campaign, insisted that lunch standards had significantly improved.

Children were more likely to choose fruit, vegetables and salad than they were five years ago, the study said, and fewer were consuming fatty food and savoury snacks.

Ministers launched a crackdown on unhealthy school meals after it emerged that pupils were regularly being fed chips and reconstituted meat, such as Bernard Matthews' Turkey Twizzlers.

The sale of high-fat and sugary food was restricted in canteens and vending machines following the disclosure.

In the latest study, researchers examined what food was chosen and eaten by almost 6,700 children at 136 primary schools in England – six months after the introduction of new mandatory nutritional standards in September 2008.

Under new legislation, every pupil should get two of their "five a day" servings of fruit and vegetables from their school lunch.

The study found three-quarters of children aged five to 11 were choosing vegetables or salad – or both – with their lunch, compared with 59 per cent in 2005.

But it also found that large amounts of healthy food went to waste.

Some 40.7 per cent of vegetables were uneaten, while 32.6 per cent of salad and 32.7 per cent of fruit was left.

By comparison, only 14 per cent of baked beans and 20 per cent of high-starch food cooked in fat was wasted.

The study said: "This suggests that more needs to be done to encourage pupils to finish eating the vegetables, salad and fruit which have been taken."

In total, around 24 per cent of pupils' food and drink was wasted, the study concluded, compared with 23 per cent in 2005.

The report said that pupils were taking and eating healthier lunches now than in 2005, and that the meals on offer had "changed substantially for the better".

Judy Hargadon, the trust's chief executive, said: "Caterers across the country deserve an enormous pat on the back for the huge shift in what's being offered to children, and for all they've done to encourage pupils to give healthier options a try.

"The figures certainly show that there's still a lot of work to do, both in fully meeting the standards across the board and in encouraging children to eat what's on their plate, but everyone involved with school food in primary schools can feel very proud of what's been achieved so far."

According to the trust's latest figures, only four-in-10 primary pupils and a third of those in secondary schools eat a cooked lunch.

Mandatory new nutrient standards mean that an average school lunch must contain at least one portion of vegetable or salad, and one portion of fruit. Fat, sugar and salt is restricted and each meal must contain minimum levels of nutrients including iron, zinc, calcium and vitamins.

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