Charity begins at HOME  

Posted by Lamont in

Humanity Sucks. Ok, why is that you ask?  Well, Several reasons, the first is Unrestrained Breeding,  there are about 7 billion humans on this planet, each of these need certain resources. Food, clothing, water etc etc.

Now this poor old earth, have only a limited amount of resources,  it doesnt take a rocket scientist to work out there will come a point where the planet will not be able to cope with the amount of humans on the planet.

Even now we are seeing famines and droughts, which can be linked to the use and over use of resources. Over this Christmas, There has been many adverts to save this group, wateraid, etc.. but in those areas its an unrestrained growth. Rather than working to make the area more prosperous, and reducing births, so it will be a gradual growth that the area could cope with, its have child after child, who needs more water, who's children need more water. And you get to a stage where the entire generations to come will be reliant on handouts. Now handouts are prone to corrupt governments, cheating in "administration" costs.

So while charity gives people a warm fuzzy feeling, for the most part charity doesnt work, Teaching people to live within the web of life is the KEY. Unfortunatly the West have lost that connection, Add to that religion, they say be fruitful and multiply, grow, they can't see they are compounding the problem that they are destroying the planet that their gods have made.

The answer.. I don't know.. The Solution, well the earth is starting to fight back,  earthquakes, plagues, all happening to wipe humanity off the planet, add to that the childfree (whom i am one). Hopefully the wasteful ones will die out. and leave those that can live in the web of life to live with nature and not dominate it to destruction.

This entry was posted on Wednesday 27 January 2010 at 07:53 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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