Why are people dumb?  

Posted by Lamont in

This has been bothering me for a few months now. Why can't people learn to think? They listen to the press, the government, giving the power to critically think into hands that want more power for themselves.

One example is the AGW, Anthropogenic global warming. There is NO evidence that it is occuring,  The climate has always changed, romans grew grapes in the south of england, greenland had lots of vikings growing crops. But then the weather changed from warm, to cold.

The weather has always changed, but not always due to human influence. Many other factors have to be taken into account.  Now the "models" used are worse case and in many cases they cant or wont explain how they got that 60 degree increase..  Then theres the Mann hockey stick graph, which has been shown to be faked, and so on. 

But people don't want to think don't want to work it out. Same with second hand smoke, and fat, and... everything else..

No proof, yet BILLIONS are spent and earned for thise pseudo science.

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