Religion and faith  

Posted by Lamont in

My faith has been modified by my life experience. So while i could be considered a single religion it was a basis of it. Due to my own personal faith, my knowledge, i have evolved my personal faith.

Those that follow any religion to the exclusion of everything else, thinking they are better because of this or that, just makes no sense anymore. Most religions talk about loving others, while they go around and do morally reprehensible acts.

The worst are those who have just been converted, and the ones with two faces, they preach goodness yet they dont act good. Religions have become less about the people but about a monolithic organisation only there to get more power and more money for themselves.  Theres nothing wrong with beleiving in a god, but when you start to treat anyone who doesnt beleive what you beleive, then its no  longer a religion but a step into zealotry and thats a small step into terrorism.

So while i do know there are powers out there in the universe, i don't worship them, since faith is reliant on absence of proof.

This entry was posted on Friday 29 January 2010 at 10:14 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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